Fixin' up (before/after pictures)

One day many years ago, a dairy truck backed in to the guy wire post that supports the hydro pole. The imbalanced tension
was absorbed by the drive shed via its electrical mast. Eventually, the constant pull drew the building's base off of its
concrete foundation. Untreated wood in contact with wet dirt for about 20 years managed to eat the first 2 feet of structural
framing. The last owner tried to shore it up with beaver-board. (When I pulled the chip-board off, the building dropped about
a foot!) I loosened off the hydro wires and cabled and jacked up that sucker till it was almost straight. After reframing
the base I applyed one inch board and batton from a local mill and even built out the sides a bit to make it look straight.
It may not be perfect but I'll park my wife's Jag in there without a worry. My Scotch grrand-dad 'a been mighty proud
'o the savin's - aye!

The Stink Room.
Note: The 10 inch dutch cove vinyl siding matched the original siding to a "tee". . . . Sure, I could have taken
a sample of the original stuff and had new clapboard milled for authenticity, but I've got better things to do with my time
and money - really!
The easy way to fix a bad wall ... |

... install 16 feet of doors |

...A bit of new siding |


Kind 'a looks like the Parthenon, no? |